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The Travel Clinic
Information for the traveler.
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What you may want to know.
From where ever you may go.
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Johan Reinhard's 1995 Expedition
The Inca Ice Mummy.
Johan Reinhard's 1999 Expedition
The latest of the Inca Mummies of Argentina.
Continental Airlines Daily flights to Peru.
The Berkley Group
"Travel Pro Insurance for the travel Industy"
International Travel Health Insurance
Affordable medical coverage.
Travel Assistance Insurance
Travelers Insurance for Everyone.
The one stop outdoor shop.
Diamond Brand Company
Quality tents made in the USA.
TAMBO's Shop @ Home* Coming Soon.
Foot Print Handbooks
The latest books for your travel needs
Archaeology Magazine
Explore the human past with...
Lonely Planet To each their own.
National Geographic
History at your finger tips.
The Secret of the Incas
Myth, Astronomy, and the War Against Time.
History of the Inca Empire.
An Account of the Indians' Customs and Their Origin...
History of the Conquest of Peru
Pizarro's expedition that led to domination of the Incas...
Daily Life in the Inca Empire
Before and After the Conquest of Incas...
Ancestors of the Incas
The Lost Civilizations of Peru.
Civilizations of Peru :
Civilizations of Peru: Before 1535
TAMBO TOURS Peruvian Assistance Program
Dolls 4 Kids
Specialty Dolls for Special Kids
Power Bar Great for the Inca Trail.
Since 1759 the Stout of Stouts.
Runes A interactive game for the mind.
Andean Fusion Andean music from the Highlands.
Peruvian Languages 100 Plus Peruvian Languages & Dialects.
Chambi B & W Photography from the One & Only.
Library of Congress Good material but out of date.
 E-Mail us for customized packages to Peru.
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