In 1987, the archaeologist Dr. Walter Alva was called by the police chief to come in for questioning about some objects that were found. Upon his arrival, the officer produced several large metal objects that had been confiscated from grave looters. Dr. Alva was in disbelief at what he saw. His studies of this region and the Moche Culture had never produced this type of art work in metals. He was almost positive that the artifacts were of the high Moche leader, or The Lord of Sipan. |
After an intense and careful excavation of the Pampa Grande site, Dr. Alva uncovered the most significant archaeological discovery in the western hemisphere and is compared by many to the Egyptian pharaoh, King Tutankhamen. Since the discovery, a total of four tombs that back from the time of Christ to 700 AD have been unearthed in Sipans Hauca Rajada, near the coastal city of Chiclayo. Sipans treasure shows the Moches cultural ability to work with different types of metal and stone in the crafting of masks, jewelry, and ornamental weapons.
These priceless treasures are on exhibit in the Royal Tombs of the Lord of Sipans Museum. Also, located north of Chiclayo are several Moche Pyramids in the Valley of the Pyramids. The largest complex discovered is El Tucume and is still under scientific research. |